How to Ensure You Earn Cash Back Rewards for Your Purchase So you’ve made a purchase and didn’t earn cash back. There are a few reasons this could have happened: Visiting...
Travel Purchases With Cash Back Rewards for most purchases are available to you within 90 days of your purchase. For travel purchases, however,...
Returns, Cancellations & Exchanges So maybe that dress doesn’t fit and you’ve decided to return it, or something came up and you have to...
How Can I Tell If I’m Earning Cash Back? As long as you’re activating cash back from, our app, or through our extension prior to making a purchase...
How to Earn Cash Back Cash Back Rewards with couldn’t be easier! Here’s how you can start earning Cash Back: Once the store lets...
How to Redeem Cash Back? Earning Cash Back with is one of our most popular features, and you can get started now! Congratulations –...
I forgot to activate my cash back. Can I still earn cash back on my purchase? Unfortunately, you can only earn cash back when you activate cash...
Cash Back Payout Summary Payout frequency: Payout may not be instant — retailer shopping sites generally have different payout periods and conditions, so your...
Using coupons and getting cash back In cooperation with our listed affiliate stores, we provide our users with store specials and coupons that often can be...
Missing Cash Back Don’t see Cash Back in your account? Let’s figure it out. Please provide a little information about the issue, and...
About our convenience fees A convenience fee is charged during a transfer to a debit card or PayPal to cover the costs associated with...
I forgot my password! If you forget your password, have no fear, is here! Go to this link:, and type in your login...
How do I unsubscribe from your emails? Are you drowning in too many emails? We’re sorry to hear that! To unsubscribe from emails, Click the unsubscribe...
Is Cash Back Taxable? Regarding whether Cash Back rewards are taxable in the United States, the straightforward answer is no. does not issue...