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Returns, Cancellations & Exchanges

So maybe that dress doesn’t fit and you’ve decided to return it, or something came up and you have to cancel your ticket purchases from the other day, or you found a better coffee maker and want to exchange the one you already bought. Regardless, there are some things you should know.

Returns and Cancellations

All returns and cancellations are subject to each merchant’s specific policy. As such, returned or cancelled orders may void Cash Back and be deducted from your Cash Back Balance depending on the store’s policy.


Exchanges also follow a store’s specific exchange policy. Often stores will process exchanges as a cancellation where a new transaction is created. This causes the exchange to be treated as a cancelled order.

To ensure you don’t lose your cash back on exchanged orders, we suggest you instead return the item and place an entirely new order at that store. Just make sure to reactivate your cash back at Price.com before repurchasing.

Updated on November 19, 2021

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