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  2. Online Cash Back
  3. How to Activate Online Cash Back

How to Activate Online Cash Back

  1. Select a Store: Browse Price.com and choose the store where you want to shop.
  2. Start Shopping: Tap the “Shop Now” button next to the store. This begins your cash back session and directs you to the store’s website or app.
  3. Shop as Usual: Once on the merchant’s site or app, shop like you normally would and complete your purchase.
  4. Transaction Sync: After your purchase, the transaction will usually sync back to Price.com within 24 hours.
  5. Cash Back Confirmation: Once the store confirms the purchase (usually within 30 to 90 days), your cash back will appear in your Price.com wallet. You can then redeem it through various payout options.
Updated on September 4, 2024

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